Hello all!
The Horizon Locator has been written, which means that you can now load a HorizonScript from a local or network location for installation! The Runner components are nearly three-quarters implemented.
We have verified that the Runtime Environment version of Horizon, used for writing HorizonScript files on non-Adélie computers, works correctly on Mac OS X and Ubuntu. This means that you can use a Mac or Ubuntu computer to write, validate, and test a HorizonScript, which can then be used to install Adélie!
The build system was overhauled, allowing faster and more reliable rebuilds of Horizon.
Most of the disk partitioning validation has been implemented, though there are still some keys that need full implementation.
The Horizon Core is now portable between std::filesystem or Boost.Filesystem, which allows you to use your system’s native C++17 compiler instead of requiring Boost, if available.
A. Wilcox (awilfox@) bumped KDE Applications to 19.08.2.